Career Guidance and Counselling for Students 2020


The first step to Career exploration is identifying the student’s Aptitude, Interest, and Personality. Online Psychometric tests for career guidance act as tools of self-exploration, awareness and therefore the fundamental point of reference for Career Counselling

You always search for an Expert's Guidance altogether Important decisions you create in your LIFE, as a Doctor for Medical Treatment, and CA for Taxation or a Lawyer for Legalities,

There are many Career streams and Thousand of options to choose from. Take a wise decision, DISCOVER YOUR TRUE CALLING...DISCOVER A CAREER THAT IS PERFECT FIT FOR YOU.

PSYCHOMETRIC CAREER ASSESSMENT TEST which involves scientifically developed aptitude and personality traits, showcase the best-suited career options and help us to know the pros and cons of the different study streams. Counseling with expert help to focus and strategic educational plans for success in life. This Career Guidance and Counselling program is designed for Students who are in 10th, 12th, and in Diploma.

What Does This Test Cover

=>Foundation Assessment

=> Aptitude Assessment

=> Personality type

=> Study Habits

=> Learning Style

=> Multiple Intelligence

=> Relation Adjustment

In Career Guidance Report You Will Come to Know About Your

=> Inborn Intelligence Character Traits and Core Potentials

=> Study habit - Learning, Memorization,

=> Examination and Concentration skills

=> Learning Style – Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Aptitude

=> Numerical and Verbal ability Relational skills management

=> Recommended streams Classic streams

=> Diploma courses | Offbeat courses

Other Key Features

=> Aptitude Potential interest and improvement areas

=> Examination and Concentration skills

=> Defining Career Path and Future Plans

=> Personalized Counselling Session

=> Student and Parents telephonic / Online (Skype) Counseling Session with Career Experts

=> Solve your doubts & queries related to child’s study,

=> Overall development, career goals, and future planning, etc.

=> Complete details of Top Colleges and Universities in India/Abroad

=> Career Avenues and Course Selection Assistance

=> 365 Days Email Support you Queries related to Career

एक अनुभवी और योग्य शिक्षा सलाहकार के निर्देशानुसार अपनी योग्यताओं के अनुरूप विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से लिया गया एक सही निर्णय आपके करियर को सही और उचित मार्गदर्शन देकर आपके लिए ज़िंदगी भर का वरदान भी बन सकता हैं| निर्णय आपको ही करना हैं , आखिर जिंदगी भी तो आपकी है|


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